Lest we forget...
...stories from the american civil war
"...I have seen as many as four hundred yankee soldiers from this army in her yard at one time... they took all of the provender we had, even taking the food out of the pots as the cook could prepare it. Fowls, Cattle, horses--everything was taken from the place. We all cried when we saw the buggy horse being taken off. A big buck negro came and led him off just loaded with provisions of all kinds. I can remember seeing on him hams, coffee and flour. A strange circumstance in regard to this is that we got the horse back. When my father came home someone told him where the horse was, so he went after him, and they couldn'nt drive him past the gate he was so delighted at being home.
I can remember seeing Main street, Columbia, where there were only two houses from Cotton Town to the Capitol.
There was a woman in confinement on my father's place and when the Yankees came they examined her to see if she was not a man masquerading as a woman.
A little cousin of mine had died, and they stopped the funeral cortege, opened the coffin, thinking valuables and not a child might be enclosed in it....
Mrs. Kate Miller Boozer
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